
2015-04-11 23:54 46 1 收藏

false 英文单词,或IT技术中的通用常数. 一个表示与 true 相反的唯一布尔值。当自动数据类型指定将 false 转换为数字时,它变为0;将 false 转换为字符串时,它变为 "false" 。1.英语里false 形容词 ( falser falsest) 不正确的,谬误的 不真实的 What you're saying is false. 你所说的是假的。

【 - 游戏攻略 】

fifa 2010 南非世界杯足球赛 首批游戏演示1

fifa 2010 南非世界杯足球赛 首批游戏演示2

fifa 2010 南非世界杯足球赛 首批游戏演示3

fifa 2010 南非世界杯足球赛 宣传预告片

fifa 2010 南非世界杯足球赛 首批游戏演示4

fifa 2010 南非世界杯足球赛 新手教程之r3右摇杆的用途







当R3使用习惯以后,也可以用在禁区前沿的突然启动摆脱,然后起脚打门,并且可以配合有五星Skill的球员使用Rabona Fake假动作使用(LT+射门/长传,力量槽出来后按球员后方面+短传,也就是加速时假射,但方向推L3的后方向)。


fifa 2010 南非世界杯足球赛 成就列表(中文翻译+秘密成就)


Single Star Group Stage 30
Finish the Group Stage in the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup™ with a 1/2 - 1 star team.

Two Star Group Stage 20
Finish the Group Stage in the Online FIFA World Cup™ with a 1.5 - 2 star team.


Three Star Group Stage 5
Finish the Group Stage in the Online FIFA World Cup™ with a 2.5 - 3 star team.

Against all odds 75
Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup™ with a 1/2 - 1 star team.

Ultimate Underdogs 50
Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup™ with a 1.5 - 2 star team.

Played well as a team 15
Win the Online FIFA World Cup™ with a 2.5 - 3 star team.

Dream Come True 5
Advance past the group stage in the Online FIFA World Cup™ with a team rated 3 stars or lower.

Undefeated Group Stage 15
Win all three group games and advance to the knockout stage in the Online FIFA World Cup™.

Hospitality and Victories 10
As the lead profile advance through the group stage as South Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup™

Well just score more 10
As the lead profile Concede 14+ In the Finals & Win the World Cup™. Semi-Pro or higher difficulty.
2010世界杯决赛阶段失球总数超过14个仍赢得世界杯 (Semi-Pro或以上难度)

Concede No Goals 10
As the lead profile Advance to the round of 16 without conceding a goal: Semi-pro+ difficulty
2010世界杯小组一球不失进入16强 (Semi-Pro或以上难度)

Defend, Defend, Defend 10
Lift the World Cup™ Trophy in the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ scoring 11 or fewer total goals :Lead Profile

Second Trip, First Goal 10
Qualify & Score in the finals using any team thats been to the finals & not scored :Lead profile
用一支曾经进入过决赛圈但是从未进过球的球队进入世界杯决赛圈并进球 (注:中国队就是最好的例子)

First Team Selection 15
Get promoted to the First team and play a match in Captain your Country.
Captain your Country模式中被选拔进一队并打一场比赛

Managers First Choice 15
With a Virtual Pro play a game as the #1 ranked squad member in Captain your Country.
Captain your Country模式中用Virtual Pro球员获得球员评分第一名

Co-op Success 5
All four co-op players get a match rating of 7 or above in a captain your country match.
Captain your Country模式中所有4个玩家都获得7或者以上评分

Practice Penalty Kicks 10
Score at least 5 penalty Kicks in Penalty Shootout Practice

Masterful Performance 20
Finish a captain your country where one of the players wins an end of tournament award.
Captain your Country模式中一名球员获得杯赛奖项 (多人模式?)

The Captain 10
In a Captain your Country campaign play a game as the captain for your countrys first team.
Captain your Country模式中作为队长打一场比赛

Solid Performer 10
Achieve an average match rating of 8 at the end of a single Captain your Country campaign.
Captain your Country模式结束的时候获得8分的平均分数

Fair Play 5
In a single Captain your country campaign Receive no match bans.
Captain your Country模式中未被停赛

Hold the Line 5
Earn a match rating of 8 or above as a Defender in Captain your Country.
Captain your Country模式中作为防守队员获得8分或者以上评分

Most Hat-tricks 20
In Captain your Country score 2 or more hat-tricks in the Finals to beat the standing record.
Captain your Country模式中决赛阶段完成2次或者以上帽子戏法,从而打破现有世界杯纪录


2010 FIFA World Cup™ Mastery 125
Defeat all 32 teams that qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

2006 FIFA World Cup™ Final 10
Beat France using Italy on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
用意大利队击败法国队 (Semi-Pro或以上难度)

2002 FIFA World Cup™ Final 10
Beat Germany using Brazil on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
用巴西队击败德国队 (Semi-Pro或以上难度)

1998 FIFA World Cup™ Final 10
Defeat Brazil using France on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
用法国队击败巴西国队 (Semi-Pro或以上难度)

Lightning Quick Strike 20
Score in under 90 seconds to beat the standing record for fastest goal in a World Cup™ finals match.

Europe Qualifier 20
As the lead profile qualify as a team from Europe in 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

Asia Qualifier 20
As the lead profile qualify as a team from Asia in 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

Oceania Qualifier 20
As the lead profile qualify as a team from Oceania in 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

CONCACAF Qualifier 20
As the lead profile qualify as a team from CONCACAF in 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

South America Qualifier 20
As the lead profile qualify as a team from South America in 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

Africa Qualifier 20
As the lead profile qualify as a team from Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

World Cup™ Winner 125
As the lead profile win the FIFA World Cup™ Final in 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

Victorious! 100
Win the FIFA World Cup™ in a Captain your Country campaign.
Captain your Country模式中夺得2010南非世界杯

Shameful 0
Ive quit out of at least 5 ranked matches while losing.


First time on the world stage 15
Play with a team in the Online FIFA World Cup™ thats never qualified for the real World Cup Finals.

adidas Golden Shoe 25
Beat the standing record by scoring 10 goals in an Online FIFA World Cup™ with a single player.

Better luck needed next time 20
Finish the group stage without advancing to the Knockout stage of the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup™

Practice Makes Perfect 5
Enter the training grounds to practice after a loss.

Pressure Cooker 15
Score in a penalty shootout using your Virtual Pro and win the game.
用Virtual Pro在点球决战中罚入一球并赢得比赛

2 Button Mentor 10
Play and win a co-op game where at least one user is on 2 Button Controls.

2010 FIFA World Cup™ Fever 10
Challenge and defeat someone with this achievement in the Online FIFA World Cup™.


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