
2016-03-24 16:19 33 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 工业设计 】

CNET asked frog to design the ultimate phone of the future, incorporating the features CNET readers craved. frog envisioned a phone that not only delivers unsurpassed technology but becomes an essential extension of the user -- “ubiquitous” to the modern user”s life and connection to the world. Presenting… UBIK.

UBIK is a sleek tour de force of a phone no bigger than a 3x3 post-it notepad.

The heart of UBIK is the flexible, borderless, foldable high-resolution screen. The casing is two hard shells that are OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screens that can light up any image.

UBIK features state of the art mobile access, the ability to play music and games in countless formats, and a high-end camera with liquid optical zoom lens. An ambient light cue can be programmed to monitor the weather, the stock market, incoming calls, or any number of functions. An optical scanner ensures you are the only one who can access your UBIK.

With its intricate design details, layered functionality and virtually limitless customizability, the phone of the future embodies “maximalism.”

Read the cnet article to learn more about UBIK, the indelible companion for the well-connected human of the future.

Forget minimalism. If you have a do-it-all device, one of the things it should be able to do is adapt to the individual user. This dream gadget is a phone by name, but an ultracustomizable Swiss Army Knife by design. Feast your eyes on Ubik, a phone that does it all and looks good doing it.



UBIK, ubiquitous to the modern user”s life and connection to the world



Ubik is a multimedia powerhouse, but it”s no bigger than a pad of Post-it Notes


Opening Ubik one way gives the user access to music, photos, and the Web

Opening Ubik another way lets the user make phone calls, write e-mail, and chat on IM

Ubik”s flexible screen and OLED controls make for an amazingly customizable UI


(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问https://www.tulaoshi.com/gysj/)The OLED-illuminated controls change on the fly, depending on the function Ubik is performing

A subtle light on Ubik”s side can be programmed to alert the user to messages and news


Motorola One
Submitted by: Doggonit

"A 1.5-by-4-inch OLED borderless screen, about 1/8-inch thick that is actually a 1xEV-DV mobile with Bluetooth 1.2 and/or wireless USB running on fuel-cell batteries (40-hour talk time, replaceable at any convenience store near you); can play MP3s, AAC (DRMed too!), AAC+, OGG, WMA, and WAV audio, and has a 3-megapixel camera built in with a 3X liquid optical zoom lens. It should have at least 1GB if not 2GB of flash memory. Last but not least: voice-to-text v.2.0 (that actually works). Oh yeah, make mine matte black and include a black suede leather case."

Frog Design envisions a phone that not only delivers unsurpassed technology but becomes an essential extension of the user--ubiquitous to the modern user”s life and connection to the world. Presenting...Ubik.

Ubik is a sleek, thin, tour-de-force of a phone no bigger than a 3-by-3-inch Post-it Note. Ubik can be opened in two ways. Open it one way to access your communications: phone, e-mail, and instant messaging. Open it the other way to put media at your fingertips: gaming, MP3s, photo sharing, and Web surfing. The unique dual design eliminates the need to scroll through long text menus; just open the phone, and you”re there.


Ubik doesn”t look like an iPod or an MP3 player. In fact, Ubik eschews minimalism and embraces maximalism through its layers of functionality, intricate designs, and virtually endless customization features.

The heart of Ubik is its flexible, borderless, and foldable high-resolution screen. The screen brings a fluidity and warmth that sharply contrasts with the stark, small displays in many of today”s gadgets.

The casing is made of two hard shells that are OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screens. These displays can light up any image, providing users with seemingly endless possibilities for customizing their Ubik. On the inside, the OLED screens display t

he phone keypad, gaming controls, and other components specific to the function being accessed.

Perhaps the most compelling feature of Ubik is the ambient light cue, located on the side of the shell and visible when the phone”s closed. This soothing, glowing light provides information to the user”s peripheral senses and maintains a subtle visual cue of being connected without intrusive text or scrolling messages. The ambient light can be programmed to monitor the weather, the stock market, incoming phone calls, or any number of functions; the color of the glowing light changes accordingly.

The built-in optical scanner ensures that you are the only one who can access your Ubik. The phone is designed to be used with a wireless earpiece, but it also can be spoken into directly like a conventional phone.

Ubik is the title of a science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick, which is fitting; the sleek, futurist Ubik feels like a living, breathing extension of the user, an indelible companion to the well-connected human of the future.

CNET readers want the phone of the future to encompass unsurpassed technologies: a borderless OLED display that bust down the walls of conventional tiny handheld screens, state-of-the-art mobile access, readily available power, the ability to play music and games in countless formats, and an impressive built-in camera with liquid optical zoom lens.

The technology featured in Ubik is currently in development but probably won”t be commercially available for another 5 to 10 years.


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