
2016-02-20 11:58 3 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 平面设计 】

When designing a website, one of the most common challenges is to develop an effective color scheme. The 25 sites that are showcased here have, in my opinion, done a great job of incorporating color and creating an attractive appearance. Please feel free to mention which ones are your favorites in the comments.


This site features a large background image of a tree and a cloudy sky. The green of the tree and the grass look great with the blue sky.

Dedan screen shot



Veerle’s Blog

Would you expect anything less from one of the leading graphic design blogs? Veerle uses a dark background and a lot of color throughout the blog.

Veerle's Blog screen shot



Destination Organic

The website of Destination Organice features several colorful images that are complemented by a bright red navigation menu.

Destination Organic screen shot




With a colorful green background and other images that include a variety of colors, Emotions really stands out.

Emotions screen shot




A blue and green background that is bright, but not too hard on the eyes.

Ustvarjalko screen shot

Marius Roosendaal

This portfolio site has an attract color scheme that is very easy on the eyes.

Marius Roosendaal screen shot



Bram Nicholson & Associates

An excellent use of a background image to give color to a design.

Bram Nicholson screen shot



African S Capes

This site uses a slide show effect with several different header images.

African S Capes screen shot




A nice color scheme involving green, blue, and black. The site sits on a wood floor background image.


Carsonified screen shot



Web Designer Wall

There’s a rainbow of colors in this blog for web designers.

Web Designer Wall

Capture the Valley

This site uses a nice variety of colors without making it hard to read.

Capture the Valley screen shot



Joomla Junkie

Joomla Junkie shows that it’s possible to use a white background and still feature great use of color.

Joomla Junkie




This blog uses a very colorful header image and a lot of colorful photos throughout the posts.

Inspiredology screen shot



Global Zoo

A variety of different colors and shades that come together to create a great color scheme.

Global Zoo



Visit Cascadia

This site has been featured in a number of CSS galleries. It makes use of a wide range of colors and it relies heavily on images.

Visit Cascadia screen shot

Pixel House

This Australian design company uses a few different shades of blue and green rather than using a larger variety of different colors.

Pixel House screen shot




Celebrific features very bright colors as well as some lighter pastels.

Celebrific screen shot



Alaska Sun Tanning Salon

This site uses a large background image, as well as blue, green, red, and orange in a pleasantly colorful appearance.

Alaska Sun Tanning Salon screen shot



Memorial Baptist Church

This church website uses a nice light color scheme of blues and greens.

Memorial Baptist Church screen shot



El Tesoro

This site uses a lot of graphics and photos to achieve its colorful look.

El Tesoro screen shot





镜头制作虽然不难,不过非常繁琐。因为构成的部分非常多,基本上由同心圆构成,每一个圆需要用不同的渐变加上质感和层次感,局部还需要增加纹理等。 最终效果 1、一个角度渐变直接把底色确定。 四个颜色#46454c、#23262b、#667380、#333740。 2、外面用 20% ~ 40% 的灰色角度渐变,正片叠底。里面用 50% 的灰正片叠底。 ...
What is lifestyle? A simple question with a simple answer: the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group, basically everything we do as individuals and groups. Because it is such an important and talk about topic in our ...
标签: PS PS教程
镜头制作虽然不难,不过非常繁琐。因为构成的部分非常多,基本上由同心圆构成,每一个圆需要用不同的渐变加上质感和层次感,局部还需要增加纹理等。 最终效果 1、一个角度渐变直接把底色确定。 四个颜色#46454c、#23262b、#667380、#333740。 2、外面用 20% ~ 40% 的灰色角度渐变,正片叠底。里面用 50% 的灰正片叠底。 3、找个材质。...




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