
2016-02-19 19:27 69 1 收藏


【 - Web开发 】


  2007-3-18 1:08:26 org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool logFull
  严重: All threads (150) are currently busy, waiting. Increase maxThreads (150) or check the servlet status


      bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"
          !-- driver for MySQL--
          property name="driverClassName"
          property name="url"valuejdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8/value/property
          property name="username"valuetest/value/property
          property name="password"valuetest/value/property      

  下边是对DriverManagerDataSource 的解释
  DriverManagerDataSource in Spring Framework

     javax.sql Interface DataSource

  Implementation of SmartDataSource that configures a plain old JDBC Driver via
  bean properties, and returns a new Connection every time.

  Useful for test or standalone environments outside of a J2EE container, either
  as a DataSource bean in a respective ApplicationContext, or in conjunction with
  a simple JNDI environment. Pool-assuming Connection.close() calls will simply
  close the connection, so any DataSource-aware persistence code should work.

  In a J2EE container, it is recommended to use a JNDI DataSource provided by the
  container. Such a DataSource can be exported as a DataSource bean in an
  ApplicationContext via JndiObjectFactoryBean, for seamless switching to and from
  a local DataSource bean like this class.

  If you need a "real" connection pool outside of a J2EE container, consider
  Apache's Jakarta Commons DBCP. Its BasicDataSource is a full connection pool
  bean, supporting the same basic properties as this class plus specific settings.
  It can be used as a replacement for an instance of this class just by changing
  the class name of the bean definition to

  Many Jakarta projects support interaction with a relational database. Creating a
  new connection for each user can be time consuming (often requiring multiple
  seconds of clock time), in order to perform a database transaction that might
  take milliseconds. Opening a connection per user can be unfeasible in a
  publicly-hosted Internet application where the number of simultaneous users can
  be very large. Accordingly, developers often wish to share a "pool" of open
  connections between all of the application's current users. The number of users
  actually performing a request at any given time is usually a very small
  percentage of the total number of active users, and during request processing is
  the only time that a database connection is required. The application itself
  logs into the DBMS, and handles any user account issues internally.

  There are several Database Connection Pools already available, both within
  Jakarta products and elsewhere. This Commons package provides an opportunity to
  coordinate the efforts required to create and maintain an efficient,
  feature-rich package under the ASF license.

  The commons-dbcp package relies on code in the commons-pool package to provide
  the underlying object pool mechanisms that it utilizes.


  Applications can use the commons-dbcp component directly or through the existing
  interface of their container / supporting framework. For example the Tomcat
  servlet container presents a DBCP DataSource as a JNDI Datasource. James (Java
  Apache Mail Enterprise Server) has integrated DBCP into the Avalon framework. A
  Avalon-style datasource is created by wrapping the DBCP implementation. The
  pooling logic of DBCP and the configuration found in Avalon's excalibur code is
  what was needed to create an integrated reliable DataSource.


  bean id="myDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close"
  property name="driverClassName"
  property name="url"
  property name="username"
  property name="password"



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