
2016-02-19 12:48 3 1 收藏


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在VCL中包含有一个TList类,几乎可以实现链表所有功能,Delphi的工程师真是伟大。但是在实际应用中需要TTree类,来实现树的功能,我写了两个类TyuTree,TYuNode。可以方便实现,树创建,结点增删、移动功能。请大家指教。代码实例:Procedure Test();Var YuTree: TyuTree;Node: TYuNode;Begin    //第1步:创建树、增加第一个结点0YuTree := TYuTree.Create;Node := YuTree.Add(nil);//nil,表示增加根结点Node.Data := Pointer(0);    //第2步:在结点0下增加子结点1Node := YuTree.AddChild(Node);Node指向结点0Node.Data := Pointer(1);      //第3步:在结点1下增加子结点2Node := YuTree.AddChild(Node);Node.Data := Pointer(2);      //第4步:切换到结点2的父结点1Node := Node.GetParent;        //第5步:在结点1下增加子结点3,并作为第1个子结点Node := YuTree.AddChildFirst(Node);Node.Data := Pointer(3);      


(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问https://www.tulaoshi.com/bianchengyuyan/)(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问https://www.tulaoshi.com/bianchengyuyan/)//第6步:切换到结点3的父结点1Node := Node.GetParent;      


(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问https://www.tulaoshi.com/bianchengyuyan/)(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问https://www.tulaoshi.com/bianchengyuyan/)//第7步:增加结点1下子结点4,作为最后一个子结点Node := YuTree.AddChild (Node);Node.Data := Pointer(4);     //第8步:增加结点4的兄弟结点5,作为第一个兄弟结点Node := YuTree.AddFirst(Node);Node.Data := Pointer(5);      //t第9步:切换到结点5的下一个兄弟结点3Node := Node.GetNextBrother;        //第10步:在结点3下插入一个兄弟结点6Node := YuTree.Add(Node);Node.Data := Pointer(6 );       


(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问https://www.tulaoshi.com/bianchengyuyan/)(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问https://www.tulaoshi.com/bianchengyuyan/)//第11步:删除结点6Node.Delete; //或YuTree.Delete(Node);      //其它用法  //结点2.GetNextBrother() = 结点4        返回该结点的下一个兄弟  //结点2.GetPrevBrother() = 结点3      返回该结点的上一个兄弟  //结点1.GetFirstChild() = 结点5;       返回该结点的第一个子结点  //结点1.GetLastChild() = 结点4         返回该结点的最后一个子结点   //结点1.GetNext = 结点5   //结点1.GetPrev = 结点0  //结点2.GetFirstBrother() = 结点5        返回该结点的第一个兄弟//结点2.GetLastBrother() = 结点4         返回该结点最后一个兄弟 //YuTree.FirstNode = 结点0//YuTree.Clear(); 清空所有结点End; 说明:该在程序中是以二叉树来表示的,FDownLeft,FDownRight分别表示二叉树的左指针、右指针。原代码如下://――――――开始―――――――――――――――――――――――――――-unit uYuTree; interface type  TYuNodeAttachMode = (ynaAdd, ynaAddFirst, ynaAddChild, ynaAddChildFirst, ynaInsert);  TYuTree = class;  TYuNode = class(TObject)  private    //Self.Tree中除Root外, FUpLeft, FUpRight有且只有一个为空      FUpLeft: TYuNode;     //Self.FUpLeft.FDownLeft = Self (该指针指向的结点是该结点的父结点)    FUpRight: TYuNode;    //Self.FUpRight.FDownRight = Self (该指针指向的结点是该结点的上一个兄弟)     FDownLeft: TYuNode;   //二叉树的左指针,表树的子结点    FDownRight: TYuNode;  //二叉树的右指针,表示树的下一个兄弟    FOwner: TYuTree;     //结点的状态信息    FDeleting: Boolean;    FIsRootOfDeleted: Boolean;     function GetLevel(): Integer;    function GetParent(): TYuNode;     procedure CutFromTree();   protected    constructor Create(AOwner: TYuTree);  public    //Property Data: Pointer read FData write FData;    Data: Pointer;     //以下四个函数是基础函数,不调用其它函数,独立完成指定功能    function GetNextBrother(): TYuNode;    function GetPrevBrother(): TYuNode;    function GetFirstChild(): TYuNode;    function GetLastChild(): TYuNode;     function GetNext: TYuNode;    function GetPrev: TYuNode;    function GetFirstBrother(): TYuNode;    function GetLastBrother(): TYuNode;     procedure MoveTo(Destination: TYuNode; Mode: TYuNodeAttachMode);    procedure Delete();         property Level: Integer read GetLevel;    property Parent: TYuNode read GetParent;     destructor Destroy();override;  end;   TYuTree = class(TObject)  private    FFirstNode: TYuNode;  public    function Add(Brother: TYuNode):TYuNode;    function AddFirst(Brother: TYuNode):TYuNode;    function AddChild(Parent: TYuNode):TYuNode;    function AddChildFirst(Parent: TYuNode):TYuNode;    function Insert(Brother: TYuNode):TYuNode;     procedure Clear();    procedure Delete(Node: TYuNode);     property FirstNode: TYuNode read FFirstNode;     constructor Create();    destructor Destroy();override;      end; implementation uses SysUtils, Math; { TYuNode } constructor TYuNode.Create(AOwner: TYuTree);begin  if not Assigned(AOwner) then    raise Exception.Create('AOwner is nil In TYuNode.Create');   FOwner := AOwner;  FUpLeft    := nil;  FUpRight   := nil;  FDownLeft  := nil;  FDownRight := nil;   FDeleting := False;  FIsRootOfDeleted := False;end; destructor TYuNode.Destroy;var  SubNode, WillDeleteNode: TYuNode;begin  FDeleting := True;   if FIsRootOfDeleted then //维护指针    CutFromTree;   SubNode := GetFirstChild;  while SubNode nil do  begin    WillDeleteNode := SubNode;    SubNode := SubNode.GetNextBrother;    WillDeleteNode.Free;  end;   inherited;end; function TYuNode.GetFirstChild: TYuNode;begin  Result := FDownLeft;end; function TYuNode.GetFirstBrother: TYuNode;begin  Result := Self;  while Result.GetPrevBrother nil do    Result := Result.GetPrevBrother;end; function TYuNode.GetLastBrother: TYuNode;begin  Result := Self;  while Result.GetNextBrother nil do    Result := Result.GetNextBrother;end; function TYuNode.GetLastChild: TYuNode;begin  Result := FDownLeft;  if Result = nil then Exit;  while Result.FDownRight nil do    Result := Result.FDownRight;end; function TYuNode.GetLevel: Integer;var  Node: TYuNode;begin  Node := Self;  Result := -1;  repeat    Node := Node.Parent;    Inc(Result);  until Node = nil;end; function TYuNode.GetNext: TYuNode;var  Node: TYuNode;begin  //1.查看第一个子结点  Result := GetFirstChild;  //2.如果第1步不成功,查看下一个兄弟  if Result = nil then    Result := GetNextBrother;   //3.如果第2步不成功,查看父结点的下一个兄弟  //退出条件,成功找到(Result nil) 或 直到根结点仍没有找到(Node = nil)  Node := Self.Parent;  while (Result = nil) and (Node nil)  do  begin    Result := Node.GetNextBrother;    Node := Node.Parent;  end;end; function TYuNode.GetNextBrother: TYuNode;begin  Result := FDownRight;end; function TYuNode.GetParent: TYuNode;begin  Result := GetFirstBrother.FUpLeft;end; function TYuNode.GetPrev: TYuNode;var  Node: TYuNode;begin  //1.得到上一个兄弟  Node := GetPrevBrother;   //如果没有上一个兄弟,返回父结点  if Node = nil then  begin    Result := Self.Parent;    Exit;  end;   //否则,返回PrevBrother.GetLastChild.GetLastChild.........  Result := Node;  while Node nil do  begin    Result := Node;    Node := Node.GetLastChild;  end;end; function TYuNode.GetPrevBrother: TYuNode;begin  Result := FUpRight;end; procedure TYuNode.MoveTo(Destination: TYuNode; Mode: TYuNodeAttachMode);var  DestParent, AddNode: TYuNode;begin  if Destination = nil then  begin    Delete;    Exit;  end;   if Destination.FOwner FOwner then    raise Exception.CreateFmt('YuNode[@%d] Move To Another Tree In TYuNode.MoveTo', [Integer(@Self)]);   DestParent := Destination.Parent;  while DestParent nil do  begin    if DestParent = Self then      raise Exception.CreateFmt('Destination Is YuNode[@%d]''s SubNode In TYuNode.MoveTo', [Integer(@Self)]);    DestParent := DestParent.Parent;  end;   CutFromTree;  case Mode of    ynaAdd:           AddNode := FOwner.Add(Destination);    ynaAddFirst:      AddNode := FOwner.AddFirst(Destination);    ynaAddChild:      AddNode := FOwner.AddChild(Destination);    ynaAddChildFirst: AddNode := FOwner.AddChildFirst(Destination);    ynaInsert:        AddNode := FOwner.Insert(Destination);  end;   FUpLeft  := AddNode.FUpLeft;  FUpRight := AddNode.FUpRight;  FDownRight := AddNode.FDownRight;   if FUpLeft nil then FUpLeft.FDownLeft := Self;  if FUpRight nil then FUpRight.FDownRight := Self;  if FDownRight nil then FDownRight.FUpRight := Self;   AddNode.Free;end; procedure TYuNode.Delete;begin  if not FDeleting then  begin    FIsRootOfDeleted := True;    Free;  end;end; procedure TYuNode.CutFromTree;begin  if Self = FOwner.FFirstNode then  begin    FOwner.FFirstNode := GetNextBrother;    if FOwner.FFirstNode nil then      FOwner.FFirstNode.FUpRight := nil;    Exit;  end;   if FDownRight nil then //有下一个兄弟    if FUpRight nil then //有上一个兄弟    begin      FUpRight.FDownRight := FDownRight;      FDownRight.FUpRight := FUpRight;    end    else                    //直接指向父结点    begin      FUpLeft.FDownLeft := FDownRight;      FDownRight.FUpRight := nil;      FDownRight.FUpLeft := FUpLeft;    end  else    if FUpRight nil then //有上一个兄弟      FUpRight.FDownRight := nil    else                    //直接指向父结点      FUpLeft.FDownLeft := nil;end; { TYuTree } function TYuTree.Add(Brother: TYuNode): TYuNode;var  Node: TYuNode;begin  if Brother = nil then    if FFirstNode = nil then    begin      Result := TYuNode.Create(Self);      FFirstNode := Result;      Exit;    end    else      Brother := FFirstNode;   Node := Brother.GetLastBrother;  Result := TYuNode.Create(Self);  Node.FDownRight := Result;  Result.FUpRight := Node;end; function TYuTree.AddChild(Parent: TYuNode): TYuNode;var  Node: TYuNode;begin  if Parent = nil then  begin    Result := Add(nil);    Exit;  end;   Node := Parent.GetLastChild;  Result := TYuNode.Create(Self);   if Node = nil then  begin    Parent.FDownLeft := Result;    Result.FUpLeft := Parent;  end  else  begin    Node.FDownRight := Result;    Result.FUpRight := Node;  end;end; function TYuTree.AddChildFirst(Parent: TYuNode): TYuNode;var  Node: TYuNode;begin  if Parent = nil then  begin    Result := Add(nil);    Exit;  end;    Node := Parent.GetFirstChild;  Result := TYuNode.Create(Self);   if Node nil then  begin    Node.FUpLeft := nil;    Node.FUpRight := Result;  end;   Result.FUpLeft := Parent;  Result.FDownRight := Node;   Parent.FDownLeft := Result;end; function TYuTree.AddFirst(Brother: TYuNode): TYuNode;var  Node, Parent: TYuNode;begin  if Brother = nil then  begin    Result := Add(nil);    Exit;  end;   Node := Brother.GetFirstBrother;  Parent := Node.Parent;  Result := TYuNode.Create(Self);   Node.FUpLeft := nil;  Node.FUpRight := Result;   Result.FUpLeft := Parent;  Result.FDownRight := Node;   if Parent nil then    Parent.FDownLeft := Result  else    FFirstNode := Result;end; procedure TYuTree.Clear;begin  while FFirstNode nil do    FFirstNode.Delete;  end; constructor TYuTree.Create;begin  FFirstNode := nil;end; procedure TYuTree.Delete(Node: TYuNode);begin  Node.Delete;end; destructor TYuTree.Destroy;begin  Clear;  inherited;end; function TYuTree.Insert(Brother: TYuNode): TYuNode;var  Prev, Next: TYuNode;begin  if Brother = nil then  begin    Result := Add(nil);    Exit;  end;    if Brother.GetNextBrother = nil then    Result := Add(Brother)  else  begin    Prev := Brother;    Next := Brother.GetNextBrother;    Result := TYuNode.Create(Self);     Prev.FDownRight := Result;    Next.FUpRight := Result;     Result.FUpRight := Prev;    Result.FDownRight := Next;  end;end; end. //――――――结束―――――――――――――――――――――――――――-


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