
2016-01-29 18:30 4 1 收藏


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自己想写的,既然在网上找到了,也就copy 过来了。我是用VC6编译的asm文件,然后用.net 2003编译的.c文件。
如何编译xvidcore-0.9.1一、把如下三个文件由UNIX格式转换成DOS格式 1、...xvidcore-0.9.1examplesMakefile 2、...xvidcore-0.9.1buildgenericMakefile 3、...xvidcore-0.9.1buildwin32libxvidcore.dsp 转换方法一: 1、用写字板打开其中一个文件(比如,...xvidcore-0.9.1examplesMakefile),“文件”-〉“另存为” 2、把“保存类型”改为“文本文档 - MS-DOS格式”,文件名自取(比如 a) 3、关闭写字板,删除文件...xvidcore-0.9.1examplesMakefile,把刚才保存的a.txt改名为Makefile 转换方法二: 1、用UltraEdit打开其中一个文件(比如,...xvidcore-0.9.1examplesMakefile),打开时会有对话框提示要不要转换成DOS格式, 选“是” 2、用UltraEdit新建一个文件,把刚才打开的文件全部复制到新建的文件中,把新建的文件保存(文件名自取,如 a ) 3、删除文件...xvidcore-0.9.1examplesMakefile,把刚才保存的a.txt改名为Makefile二、下载新的nasm.exe 链接:www.sf.net/projects/nasm 或者直接下载这个版本(2003/3/12最新版0.98.36): http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nasm/nasm-0.98.36-win32.zip 下载解压后文件名为nasmw.exe,更名为nasm.exe,保存到VC的bin目录下(比如我的VC 6.0装在D:Program Files目录下, 那就放到这里:D:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVC98Bin 好,到此除了xvid_bench工程外,其余四个(xvid_encraw、xvid_decraw、xvid_stat、odivx_enc_dec)都能编译通过但还是有一个警告:D:xvidcore-0.9.1srcbitstreammbcoding.c(194): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, resultstill unsigned意思是一元的“-” 操作符用在无符号整型数上,结果仍然是无符号整型数;我不知道怎么能搞定它,是不是把警告级别调整一下就行了?三、如何编译xvid_bench工程 1、点击“Project”->“Settings” 2、在弹出的对话框左边,选择xvid_bench工程 3、在C/C++选项卡里,找到Preprocessor definitions一栏,添加两个宏定义:ARCH_IS_32BIT,ARCH_IS_IA32 恭喜你,大功告成!附:《How to Compile XviD with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0》 Written by David CarrollLast updated: January 1, 2003OK,you've got your copy of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. You should be able tojust download the source code, click on the project file, and a fewsecond later, you'll have the Xvid Binary. Right? Well, unfortunately,it's not that easy. However, it's not that hard either.I. Downloading Necessary FilesXvid depends on a number of libraries and programs that do not come standard with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.You need:1) Service Pack 5 for Visual Studio 6 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/updates/sp/vs6/sp5/default.aspIdon't believe you actually need Service Pack 5 to compile Xvid However,you should download it to get all the latest bug fixes and runtimelibraries. Trust me, it'll make your life easier later when you try tocompile other programs. You can download the service pack or order iton CD from the Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) by clicking the linkabove.2) NASM - the famous Netwide Assembler - http://sourceforge.net/projects/nasm/Xvid uses NASM to "compile" the code written in assembly language (the *.asm files). Download the Win32 binary.3) DirectX 8.1b SDK - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/directx.aspTobuild the DirectShow filter, you need the DirectX SDK (SoftwareDevelopment Kit). This SDK is not available by itself on CD, but theMicrosoft Platform SDK CD includes the DirectX SDK (along with severalother SDK's like the Windows Core SDK, Media Player SDK, etc.). You canorder the Microsoft Platform SDK CD from http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/II. Configuring the Compiler1) Installing Service Pack 5TheService Pack is easy to install since it comes with an installer. Theinstaller's filename is "setupsp5.exe". Just find the file anddouble-click it.2) Installing and Configuring NASMa) Unzip the file to an easy to remember directory of your choosing (i.e., "C:DEVNASM")b)Xvid expects the filename to be "nasm.exe" (probably because all otherversions except the Win32 version has that name). For some reason, theWin32 version NASM has a filename of "nasmw.exe." I recommend making acop


标签: 水饺 淀粉
冰花饺子 1.猪肉馅(肥三瘦七的比例即可,在超市买的现成的,不过,我感觉最好吃的还是自己亲自剁的好),加两小勺水,加盐、生抽、熟油、香油、料酒搅打上劲儿,放入冰箱腌制一会儿 2.韭菜洗净,切碎末 3.把韭菜放入肉末中拌匀(韭菜在最后放,这样不出水) 4.面粉加适量水和成光滑面团,盖上保鲜膜静置半个小时 5.把面团揉成长条,揪...
-优化-  /O1 最小化空间 minimize space /Op[-] 改善浮点数一致性 improve floating-pt consistency /O2 最大化速度 maximize speed /Os 优选代码空间 favor code space /Oa 假设没有别名 assume no aliasing /Ot 优选代码速度 favor code speed /Ob 内联展开(默认 n=0) inline expansion (de...
下面是条件编译可用的预定义变量。假如变量不是 true ,就不被定义或者作为 NaN 处理。 变量 描述 @_win32在 Win32 系统上运行为 true。@_win16在 Win16 系统上运行为 true。@_mac在 Apple Macintosh 系统上运行为 true。@_alpha在 DEC Alpha 处理器上运行为 true。@_x86在 Intel 处理器上运行为 true。@_mc680x0在 Motorola 680x0 处...
CSharpCodeProvider _coder=new CSharpCodeProvider(); ICodeCompiler complier=_coder.CreateCompiler(); CompilerParameters _par=new CompilerParameters(); _par.GenerateExecutable=true; _par.OutputAssembly="sy1.exe";//设置应用程序名 _par.MainClass="sy1";//设置主类 _par.IncludeDebugInformation=true; foreach(Assembly ...
标签: 水饺 淀粉
颜值超高的美味饺子——冰花煎饺 1. 芹菜洗净后焯水; 2. 捞出来冷水浸泡一会儿,沥干水分切成比较长的段放进手动料理机; 3. 扣上上盖,用手摇动将菜切碎; 4. 切碎的菜用勺子舀进料盆; 5. 再将大葱切成极端放进料理机,同时放一小块姜; 6. 再将洗净的梅肉切成块放进去; 7. 大葱、姜连同肉一起绞碎; ...




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