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URL编码转换,escape() encodeURI() encodeURIComponent()

escape() 方法:

采用ISO Latin字符集对指定的字符串进行编码。所有的空格符、标点符号、特殊字符以及其他非ASCII字符都将被转化成%xx格式的字符编码(xx等于该字符在字符集表里面的编码的16进制数字)。比如,空格符对应的编码是%20。unescape方法与此相反。不会被此方法编码的字符: @ * / +

英文解释:MSDN JScript Reference: The escape method returns a string value (in Unicode format) that contains the contents of [the argument]. All spaces, punctuation, accented characters, and any other non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character. For example, a space is returned as "%20."
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2016-02-19 标签:

URL编码转换,escape() encodeURI() encodeURIComponent()的相关文章

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