首页 相关文章 [分享]Sun X3151A 光纤网卡故障排除实例

[分享]Sun X3151A 光纤网卡故障排除实例

OS:solaris 9 (12/03)
检查X3151A(Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF (Fiber))的patch:
#showrev -p |grep 112817-16 (已有)
连接光纤线到HUAWEI 6506上去网卡灯时亮时不亮,主机reboot后网卡灯熄灭,光纤线重新插一下灯亮,试验了几变都是一样的现象!
[b:8ebf8dc188]The Link does not come up or has problems when connected to Cisco switch.[/b:8ebf8dc188]
* Often on Cisco switches (e.g. Catalyst 6500) autonegotiation was disabled. This is not in accordance with the IEEE 802.3ab standard. To get the connection running, enable autonegotiation on the switch. Setting both sides...[ 查看全文 ]

[分享]Sun X3151A 光纤网卡故障排除实例的相关文章

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