首页 相关文章 产生密码 记录到数据库 然后发送给用户

产生密码 记录到数据库 然后发送给用户

This article Generates a password random, Requires a database and Mails the Password.

<%@language="vbscript" %

'code by Manikantan
'Web Developer
'3rd Agenda
'Nungambakkam, Chennai India


set mail= server.CreateObject("cdonts.newmail")
mail.subject="Thank You for Registering"
mail.to = mailid mail.from ="Webmaster@thesite"
mail.body= "This is the Initial Password to our site...." & vbcrlf
&href='mailto:mailid="user@ursite.com'mailid="user@...[ 查看全文 ]

2016-01-29 标签:

产生密码 记录到数据库 然后发送给用户的相关文章

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