首页 相关文章 mysql降序索引和减轻索引扫描


  Descending indexing and loose index scan


  Comments to my previous posts, especially this one by Gokhan inspired me to write a bit about descending indexes and about loose index scan, or what Gokhan calls “better range” support. None of these are actially related to Innodb tables in general - these are features MySQL should get for all storage engines at some point.

  在我以前文章的评论中,尤其是 Gokhan 在这个中提到的,激发了我想写点关于降序索引和减轻索引扫描的东西,或者是 Gokhan 所谓的“改善的范围”支持。通常这些特性跟 Innodb 表都没有内在联系,它们将来在某些时候都能支持各种存储引擎。

  Descending ...[ 查看全文 ]

2016-02-19 标签:


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